Welcome to the year of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, when even the impossible becomes possible!

Welcome to the year of Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, when even the impossible becomes possible!

On the evening of December 20th, 2019, I promised myself that I would take two weeks off. Well, this lasted 3 days, when one of my dearest girlfriends called me to ask for an analysis of her husband who was at home in Budapest at the time. And, if I had already accepted one job, then the second one came rather easily...and the consequences as well...sore throat. I didn’t take “the holiday time” seriously and therefore I was warned. Honestly speaking, this last week came at the best time for me to think over my life and my plans/goals for 2020.

On New Year’s Eve many of us make various resolutions that are often forgotten about or given up quite quickly. I have learned that these resolutions only work if we can express them in terms of goals and we specify the necessary path, steps and tasks leading to them.

We would all like to be successful while also living in harmony and peace. To create this, a very special energy is available to us this year, which only comes around about every 80 years, so it is worth making use of. (Except of course, if somebody can wait around another 80 years for the next one :o) I would rather stick to this one :o))

Why is it special? In a nut shell, Jupiter is the wise teacher, faith and truth. Saturn is the master, self-evaluation, self-confidence, patience and experience. Pluto is the gigantic and awesome power by which even destiny can be changed.

The force of the conjunction of these three planets will be in effect from the beginning of January 10th. It can easily happen that this year you will reach some kind of crossroads in your life and you won’t be able to escape the idea that you need something else in a somewhat different way. And how does the astroscope help us? It shows us who we really are, how our environment sees us, what kind of abilities and capabilities (even hidden ones) we have and where we are going. Actually, this is the best support to live our own lives consciously and to find the most perfect way to achieve success and harmony.

And what else is there? Nothing other than we have to believe in ourselves, in our abilities and capabilities and take control of our own lives so that in 2020 even the impossible will become possible!

If you would like to utilize this energy available to you to its fullest potential, I look forward to your call at +36309156400 or your email at zita@yourcoach.hu!